23. W. Perrine^, E. Sauer, A. Love, A. Morris, J. Novotny*, S. DuRant. In Press. A high lipid diet leads to greater pathology and lower tolerance during infection than a high protein diet. Journal of Experimental Biology.
22. W. Kirkpatrick^, E. Sauer, R. Carroll, J. Cohen, C. Davis, S. Fuhlendorf, S. DuRant. In Press. Critical reproductive behaviors in Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite are affected by thermal variability and mean temperature. Thermal Biology. 21. E. Sauer. 2024. Citizen science allows for a broadened understanding of how anthropogenic food sources influence wildlife disease. Journal of Animal Ecology. PDF.
19. E. Sauer, M. Venesky, T. McMahon, J. Cohen, S. Bessler, L. Brannelly, F. Brem, A. Byrne, N. Halstead, O. Hyman, P. Johnson, C. Richards-Zawacki, S. Rumschlag, B. Sears, J. Rohr. 2024. Are novel or locally adapted pathogens more devastating and why? Resolving opposing hypotheses. Ecology Letters. PDF.
18. E. Sauer, C. Connelly*, W. Perrine, A. Love, S. DuRant. 2023. Male pathology regardless of behaviour drives transmission in an avian host-pathogen system. Journal of Animal Ecology.PDF. Featured on cover and as a UArk Research Spotlight. 17. E. Crone^, E. Sauer, D. Preston. 2023. Nonnative fish facilitate nonnative snails and alter food web structure in experimental pond communities. Functional Ecology.
16. D. Trovillion^, E. Sauer, G. Shay*, E. Crone, D. Preston. 2023. Habitat complexity, connectivity, and introduced fish drive pond community structure along an urban to rural gradient. Ecological Applications.
15. E. Sauer, J. Cruz, E. Crone, C. Lewis*, E. Plumier*, B. Cwynar*, D. Drake, B. Herrick, D. Preston. 2022. Multiscale drivers of amphibian community occupancy in urban ponds. Submitted to Urban Ecosystems. Urban Ecosystems. PDF. Featured in The Atlantic, LTER Network, and on Wisconsin Public Radio.
14. E. Crone^, E. Sauer, B. Herrick, D. Drake, D. Preston. 2022. Effects of invasive jumping worms (Amynthas spp.) on microhabitat and trophic interactions of native herpetofauna. Biological Invasions.
13. D. Preston, E. Crone, A. Miller-ter Kuile, C. Lewis*, E. Sauer, D. Trovillion. 2021. Nonnative freshwater snails: A global synthesis of invasion status, mechanisms of introduction, and interactions with natural enemies. Freshwater Biology.
12. J. Cohen, E. Sauer, O. Santiago*, S. Spencer*, J. Rohr. Contrasting impacts of warming on disease risk in hosts from cool and warm climates. 2021. Science. PDF.
11. D. Preston & E. Sauer. Parasitic Castration Causes Host Biomass Overcompensation. 2020.Ecology. PDF.
10. E. Sauer, J. Cohen, T. McMahon, M. Lajeunesse, D. Civitello, S. Knutie, K. Nguyen, E. Roznik, B. Sears, S. Bessler, B. Delius, N. Halstead, N. Ortega, M. Venesky, S. Young, J. Rohr. A meta-analysis reveals temperature, dose, life stage, and taxonomy influence host susceptibility to a fungal parasite. 2020. Ecology. PDF. Featured on cover.
9. E. Sauer, N. Trejo*, J. Hoverman, J. Rohr. Behavioral fever reduces ranavirus infection in toads. 2019. Functional Ecology. PDF. Featured at Funct. Ecol. as an Early Career Researcher Insight (link) and by The Wildlife Society.
8. J. Cohen, T. McMahon, C. Ramsay, E. Roznik, E. Sauer, S. Bessler, D. Civitello, B. Delius, N. Halstead, S. Knutie, K. Nguyen, N. Ortega, B. Sears, M. Venesky, S. Young, J.R. Rohr. Impacts of thermal mismatches on disease prevalence are moderated by life stage, body size, elevation & latitude. 2019. Ecology Letters.Featured on cover.
7. E. Sauer, R. Fuller, C. Richards-ZawackI, J. Sonn, J. Sperry, J. Rohr. 2018 Variation in individual temperature preferences, not behavioural fever, affects susceptibility to chytridiomycosis in amphibians. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B. PDF.
6. J. Cohen, M. Venesky, E. Sauer, D. Civitello, T. McMahon, J. Rohr. 2017. The thermal mismatch hypothesis explains outbreaks of an emerging infectious disease. Ecology Letters, 20, 184-193. PDF. Featured on cover.
5. E. Sauer, J. Sperry, J. Rohr. 2016. An efficient and inexpensive method for measuring long-term thermoregulatory behavior. Journal of Thermal Biology. PDF.
4. J. Cohen, D. Civitello, A. Brace, E. Feichtinger, N. Ortega, J. Richardson, E. Sauer, J. Rohr. 2016. Spatial scale modulates the strength of ecological processes driving disease distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, E3359-E3364.
3. D. Civitello, J. Cohen, H. Fatima, N. Halstead, J. Liriano, T. McMahon, N. Ortega, E. Sauer, T. Sehgal, S. Young, J. Rohr. 2015. Reply to Salkeld et al.: Diversity-disease patterns are robust to study design, selection criteria, and publication bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, E6262.
2. D. Civitello, J. Cohen, H. Fatima, N. Halstead, J. Liriano, T. McMahon, N. Ortega, E. Sauer, T. Sehgal, S. Young, J. Rohr. 2015. Biodiversity inhibits parasites: broad evidence for the dilution effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 8667-8671. Featured at PNAS, Science, and NPR. 1. M. Venesky, X. Liu, E. Sauer, J. Rohr. 2013. The Dilution Effect: Linking Experiments to Field Data and Evaluation its Relative Strength. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 (3), 557-565.